Sunday, August 23, 2009

First impressions of Australia

Now I've been in Australia for a bit over 24 hours, adn thought I should write down my first impressions. The weather: very warm, apparently unusually warm for this time of year. I think I'll die when summer comes around... but honestly, it's really nice! The people are awesome! We just had a bbq with a lot of Mick's mates ad some of their girlfriends, and I really liked all of them! They seem just like my friends back at home; a little weird, fast speaking, and generally just good people. Oh, and I saw my first newborn calf today! There's a lot of animals here, both Charlie Cat and Carby Dog are very friendly and like a got petting. Still a bit tired, slept 12 hours last night, but could go for a few more right about now. //Let

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