Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's seriously hot here right now, 33 degrees today... Last night I couldn't sleep, it was so warm, so after a while I put the air conditioner on, on 22 degrees... In Sweden, i it was 22 degrees in the bedroom, I would have thought it soooo warm, here it was really nice and cool. Makes me wonder what temperature it was before I turned it on!

The temperature (and humidity!) makes it a little hard to go running, but I've been good for the last day, following the schedule Sussi sent me (thank you, btw!). Today was a really good day, first day since... well, feels like forever, but probably two weeks, that I haven't had a cough! Finally rid of this stupid cold.

The job hunting... isn't going that well, but I suppose I've only been here for, well, a month exactly today! So I guess I should be patient, but I just want a job now now now! Hopefully we can lodge my new visa application soon, and then I might have a better chance. I have this theory that since most people on Working Holiday Visa (the type I have) are here to travel around and work just a little bit here and there, they might not wanna hire me, cause they think I won't stay for long enough for the job. Oh well, at least Mick has a job now, so we'll survive, and I will get one eventually, or I'll just have to start studying again.

As for pictures... I'll try and be better, I just never take any, I'm too busy experiencing! I haven't been into the city too much, I stay around the house when Mick's at work, if I go into the city I'll wanna buy stuff, and until I get a job, I really shouldn't!

Well, that's all for now, I miss you back in Sweden!


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